Men in nature

Welcome Brother, you have found the others. Here we learn to express our true masculine nature. We learn to connect to our heart and share. We drop the masks and show our true Self. We hold space for each other with respect and without judgment. We share our stories not as ‘advice’ for others, but to hear our own truth.

We meet every second Wednesday (8pm) via zoom and in real space once a month in Toronto. This is made possible through our Membership or with a donation.

May 17-19 sold out
June 21-23 sold out
Oct 11-13

our agreements

I agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Men in this group
I agree to respect the Men of this group
I agree to honour the stories of the Men of this group
I agree to be compassionate towards the Men of this group

our values

Exploration: Adventure and seeking new experiences. Know thyself. Taking risks. Expanding boundaries. Sharing/guiding adventure with others. Playfulness, curiosity and childlike wonder. Confidence, bravery.

Community: It’s the relationships that heal. Friendships, strong authentic connections & lifelong bonds. Working together towards a greater good; partnership & collaboration. Being of service, helping/caring for others/earth. Love, warmth, compassion and genuineness. Listening. 

Teaching and Learning: To learn from and teach others the way….Guide. Eldership. Mentoring. Creating a safe space to explore inwards and outwards, grow and make mistakes. Wisdom – Application of knowledge. The more I learn the less I know. Critical and sceptical but open-minded.

Spirituality: Connection to nature. Meaning. Connection to something ‘else’. Healing. Ceremony, rituals and plant medicines. Appreciation of beauty. Greater consciousness. Being vs doing. Soul touching. Interconnectedness. Life purpose. Gratitude.

Let’s not forget the ancient Toltec wisdom The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz. Everything we do is based on agreements we have made –  with people and with life. But most importantly the agreements we make with ourselves.

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally.

3. Don’t Make Assumptions.

4. Always Do Your Best.